A Friday Fiver for Olde Tymes sake Thursday, March 23, 2006, 10:10 PM 1. Which movie character is most like you? 2. Which TV character is most like you? 3. Which literary character is most like you? 4. Which song describes you? 5. Which animal is most like you? ~*~*~*~ 1. Which movie character is most like you? Remember that movie Dirty Dancing with Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey? Well, I'm Baby with flat feet. The shy side of her personality was mine all over in that movie. We both have moxie to spare! 2. Which TV character is most like you? Raymond of Everybody Loves Raymond. Just something about the way he talks. I know he frustrates the hell out of his wife, but he's sweet, funny and pesky. (Wish I was like Kramer. Or Ally McBeal. Or Carrie on Sex and the City). 3. Which literary character is most like you? Haven't a clue. I only read literature if someone holds a gun to my head. But I think I have traits of both Scarlett O'Hara and Melonie What's-Her-Face who nabbed Ashley from under Scarlett's nose. Impetuosity and a hot temper/patience and a sometimes seemingly stubborn belief in someone I care about. 4. Which song describes you? Suzanne Vega's Left of Center. Yep, that's me. Over there. On the fringes. In my pink Mary Jane sneakers. Yow! 5. Which animal is most like you? A hampster running around on the floor in one of those clear plastic balls. ~*~*~*~ Your turn. ![]() ![]()